(( " هُوَذَا هُنَا سَيْفَانِ " كيف لمثل هذه الجماعة المسالمة أن تصير تلك بحوزتها حتي ولو كان سيف واحد ؟ هل كان بحق هذان السلاحان سيوف ، أدوات قتال ، أم سكاكين كبيرة ؟ الرأي الأخير – سكاكين كبيرة - قدمه القديس يوحنا ذهبي الفم واتبعه يوثام وصدق عليه ، ودعاه ألفورد " رأي غريب " ، بينما اعتبره فيلد " رأي محتمل " .
":«يَكْفِي»." أي لمن لم يقصد القتال . الكلمة تحمل معاني ضمنية = " أنه تم التحدث في الأمر أكثر من اللازم ، ولكن تحمل أيضاً معني يكفي من سوء الفهم ، وخيبة الأمل ، والحديث ، والتعليم ، والحياة بشكل عام " .هولتزمان )) .
11- Barnes' Notes
But now - The Saviour says the times are changed. "Before," he sent them out only for a little time. They were in their own country. Their journeys would be short, and there was no need that they should make preparation for a long absence, or for encountering great dangers. But "now" they were to go into the wide world, among strangers, trials, dangers, and wants. And as the time was near; as he was about to die; as these dangers pressed on, it was proper that they should make provision for what was before them. A purse - See the notes at Matthew 10:9. He intimates that they should "now" take money, as it would be necessary to provide for their wants in traveling. Scrip - See the notes at Matthew 10:10.