منتدى الفرح المسيحى  



إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
  رقم المشاركة : ( 1 )  
قديم 16 - 06 - 2023, 11:39 AM
الصورة الرمزية Mary Naeem
Mary Naeem Female
† Admin Woman †

 الأوسمة و جوائز
 بينات الاتصال بالعضو
 اخر مواضيع العضو
  Mary Naeem غير متواجد حالياً  
الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 9
تـاريخ التسجيـل : May 2012
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : Egypt
المشاركـــــــات : 1,301,194

The “Paschalia” flower hears it

The “Paschalia” flower hears it, and decorates itself with all its beauty… The wind hears it, and whistles it on land and on the sea…. It is caught by the waves and is babbled to those whom they have enclosed in their wet embrace from centuries ago… It is caught by the whale which swallowed Jonah at one time, its whole being is shaken, and it rejoices that the “sign” has now become reality, and is proud that its word to the other whales and to “all the creatures that move in water” has come true in such a festive way. It is heard by the stars, and they polish their silver…
The moon the footstool of the Theotokos, hears it, smiles, and shines brighter… The animals hear it and jump around with joy…
It is taken by the bell-towers and they ring joyfully. The whole creation takes it and announces it everywhere, even right down to the nethermost regions, to the naked bones, the flesh that wasted away in expectation, to the souls that rest expecting and awaiting the rising of the dead ….
رد مع اقتباس
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الانتقال السريع

قد تكون مهتم بالمواضيع التالية ايضاً
The LORD hears
Tears have a voice that god hears
Sometimes we pray but we think no one hears our prayers
The unchanging Flower
Spello flower festival, Umbria, Italy

الساعة الآن 09:29 AM

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