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  رقم المشاركة : ( 1 )  
قديم 12 - 03 - 2022, 03:48 PM
الصورة الرمزية Mary Naeem
Mary Naeem Female
† Admin Woman †

 الأوسمة و جوائز
 بينات الاتصال بالعضو
 اخر مواضيع العضو
  Mary Naeem غير متواجد حالياً  
الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 9
تـاريخ التسجيـل : May 2012
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : Egypt
المشاركـــــــات : 1,306,651

سيرة الشهيد القديس اريانوس والى انصنا

سيرة الشهيد القديس اريانوس والى انصنا

في مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس اريانوس والى انصنا . وذلك لما أمر برمى القديس ابلانيوس بالسهام وقد ارتدت إلى عينه فقلعتها كما هو مذكور في اليوم السابع من برمهات قال له أحد المؤمنين : " لو أخذت من دمه ووضعت عينك لأبصرت " فأخذ من دمه ووضعه على عينه فأبصر للوقت ، وآمن بالسيد المسيح وندم كثيرا على ما فرط منه في تعذيب القديسين . ثم قام وحطم أصنامه ، ولم يعد يعذب أحدا من المؤمنين . فلما اتصل خبره بالملك دقلديانوس استحضره واستعلم منه عن السبب الذي رده عن عبادة آلهته . فبدأ القديس يقص عليه الآيات والعجائب التى أجراها الله على أيدي قديسيه ، وكيف أنهم في حاك عذابهم وتقطيع أجسامهم كانوا يعودون أصحاء . . فاغتاظ الملك من هذا القول ، وآمر أن يعذب عذابا شيدا ، وأن يطرح في جب ويغطى عليه حتى يموت . فأرسل السيد المسيح ملاكه ، وحمله من ذلك الجب ، وأوقفه عند مرقد الملك . ولما استيقظ الملك ورآه وعرف أنه أريانوس ، ارتعب ودهش . ولكنه عاد فآمر بوضعه في كيس شعر وطرحه في البحر . ففعلوا به كذلك . وهنا أسلم الشهيد روحه داخل الكيس . وكان القديس عندما ودع أهله أخبرهم بأن الرب قد أعلمه في رؤيا الليل أنه سيهتم بجسده ، ويعيده إلى بلده ، وانهم سيجدونه في ساحل الإسكندرية . وحدث أن أمر الرب حيوانا بحريا فحمله إلى الإسكندرية وطرحه على البر ، فأخذه غلمانه وأتوا به إلى انصنا ، ووضعوه مع أجساد القديسين ئ فيليمون وأبلانيوس ، وهكذا أكمل جهاده ونال الإكليل السمائى . صلاته تكون معنا . ولربنا المجد دائما . آمين

. Martyrdom of St.Arianus, the Governor of Ansena
On this day also St. Arianus, the governor of Ansena was martyred. When he ordered to shoot St. Apollonius with arrows, and one of the arrows glanced back and struck his eye and destroyed it, as it is mentioned in the Seventh day of Baramhat, one of the believers told him: "If you take some of his blood and smear your eye with it, you will receive your sight." The Governor took some of his blood, smeared his eye, and immediately he was able to see. Arianus believed on the Lord Christ, with great sorrow for all the evil things which he had done to the holy martyrs and the severity with which he tortured them. Then he rose up, destroyed his idols, and he refrained from torturing any of the believers. When Diocletian heard the report of Arianus, he brought him, and asked him why he had forsaken the worship of his idols. Arianus began to tell him about the signs and wonders which God was working by the hands of the holy martyrs, and how, in spite of the tortures which he had inflicted upon them, and the cutting of their bodies, they rose up again whole. The Emperor became furious with him because of what he said and ordered him to be tortured severely, and to cast him into a pit and to cover it until he dies.

The Lord Christ sent His angel, who brought him out from the pit, and took him by the bed of the Emperor. The Emperor woke up from his sleep, and when he saw and recognized that he was Arianus, he was amazed and terrified. Diocletian again ordered him to be placed into a hair sack, and to cast him into the sea, so they did. Arianus the martyr delivered up his soul while he was in the hair sack. The Saint had told his kinsfolk when he bid them farewell that the Lord had told him in a vision of the night that He would take care of his body, return it to his town, and they could find it on the shore of Alexandria. The Lord ordered a sea creature who carried the Saint, and brought him to the city of Alexandria, where it casted him on the shore. His men took his body, brought it to Ansena, and laid it with the bodies of the Saints Philemon and Apollonius. Thus, he finished his good fight and received the heavenly crown.

May his prayers be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen
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صورة الشهيد اريانوس والى انصنا

الساعة الآن 03:36 AM

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