06 - 11 - 2019, 12:02 PM
† Admin Woman †
Are we ready to see our sinfulness?
If only we could borrow a little, just a little, some- thing of the spirit, the mentality, the thought of a saint. In the world we live in, how better would all the moments of our life be. And I am talking about how we deal with people, who speak to us this way, or treat us the other. Yes, how better, how easier, how more spiritually would we live.
I wish we could accept, if not to the degree a saint experiences the truth of the matter, at least, to a smaller degree, that we’re totally unworthy before God, before other people and before ourselves!
And if, one way or another, we were, actually, called unworthy or if it was confirmed we were, I wish we could accept it joyfully and gladly instead of getting hurt or feeling resentful.