06 - 11 - 2019, 11:55 AM
† Admin Woman †
The power of Virgin Mary over her Son
In the Orthodox Church, we also ask the Virgin Mary to save us. Is this the right thing to do?
A young person who was visiting Mount Athos asked the following question. The Bible teaches that only Jesus Christ can save us. In the Orthodox Church, we also ask the Virgin Mary to save us. Is this the right thing to do? The saint responded: Jesus is our one and only Savior; He offered Himself for us. Consider this example, let’s say you were a person of high authority and power and you visited a city accompanied by your mother. Every person in that city would be waiting to see you and would welcome both you and your mother. They would say the most amazing words about her even if they didn’t know her personally. While listening to these words being said, you would be very happy for and proud of your good mother. That is how Jesus is happy for and proud of His mother when He listens to us speaking good words about her. Now imagine that a poor woman went to your mother and asked her to ask you if you could give her a job and you agreed to do this favor for your mother. But now the poor woman will always be saying that your mother saved her even though you were the person who had hired her. This is exactly the reason we also ask our All Holy Lady Theotokos to save us. And her Son who has all the power, but is humble, is more than glad to hear us say great words about His beloved mother.