21 - 05 - 2017, 08:06 PM
† Admin Woman †
- By Thy blessed word obeying,
Lord, we prove our love sincere;
For we hear Thee gently saying,
“Love will do as well as hear.” - Refrain:
Dear Redeemer, we would hallow
All Thy word so firm and true;
In Thy footsteps meekly follow,
Thy commands we love to do.
- Feigned hearts Thy name professing,
Thy commandments cast aside;
But we feel Thy great salvation,
And in all Thy truth abide.
- Every word Thy mouth hath spoken
Is essential to our life;
All Thy mandates love betoken,
To oppose them is but strife.
- In Thy wisdom, Lord, confiding,
We will follow in Thy way;
With Thy love in us abiding,
’Tis delightful to obey.
- Each commandment Thou hast given
Is a waymark on the road;
Leading up from earth to heaven,
To the blessed throne of God.