Like the Kingdom of heaven is like ten virgins, who took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were wise, and five rationals. The foolish took their lamps, did not take with Zeta. Either the rationals, took their lamps with oil in their vessels. And the slower the groom, tarried all slept. When midnight OLA shouting: "Behold, the bridegroom might accept. It out of him. ", those are all virgins and Hian told. She pleaded to the rationals: "they gave us a zitkn, the traditional extinguished." replied the rationals: "it is not enough for us however. The first to go to vendors and buy but. "while they are on their way to buy, the bridegroom came, it went with him willingly come out to the lobby of the wedding, and close the door. Another order came other virgins, they said: "Lord, Lord, open to us." he replied, "but I cannot say the bridgroom answered." the TLB you know not the day nor the hour. " (Matthew 25/1-12).