You, O LORD, are our Father; Our Redeemer from Everlasting is Your name. (Isa. 63: 16)
طوبى للذي نسى حديث العالم بحديثه معك، لأن منك تكتمل كل حاجاته!أنت هو أكله وشربه!أنت هو بيته ومسكن راحته، إليك يدخل في كل وقت ليستتر!أنت هو شمسه ونهاره، بنورك يرى الخفيات!أنت هو الآب والده!أنت أعطيت روح ابنك فيه، والروح أعطاه دالة أن يطلب منك كل مالك، مثلما يطلب الابن من أبيه! معك حديثه في كل حين، لأنه لا يعرف له أبًا غيرك!. القديس يوحنا سابا
Blessed is he, who forgot the talk of the world by Your talk to him; As by You, his needs are consummated!You are his food and drink! You are his abode, and the dwelling place of his comfort; To you, he will always resort to be covered!You are his Sun and his daylight; By Your light, he can see the hidden things!You are the Father; His Father!In him, You have given the Spirit of Your Son; And this Spirit gave him the daring seek from You everything; the way a son seeks from his father! With You, he talks all the time; As he knows other father but You. (St. John Saba)