Daily devotion
In the world there are many people who are devoted to God and live according to its laws, and try to live right, faithful to God every day people pray to Him and believe in salvation, believe that God is there and he always help you.Humans daily devotional God strengthens his faith and love of the creator we must realize that God loves us and will never want for us poor, He is always there and always help us, God save us, and teach us to live in the Holy Bible helps our textbook of life, our guide.
Devotion to God is obedience to His word in faith and love for God, devotion to God is always rewarded with eternal life, Jesus taught us to be faithful to God and obey him, during his life on earth He obeyed God and do His will, He was and remains true to its Heavenly Father, and we must obey God and be faithful to Him, our life is a brief moment when each of us needs to show themselves, to show their faith and love of God, show your heart and your kindness, God does not love evil, God is love and good, and his love is infinite, He gives it to us always, every day, every hour, every minute, God is near, God is with us, and every man daily devotional to him he sees and rewards, loyalty to God values because the devotee person he can trust and will not fail as was once Judas did, he was betrayed Jesus and delivered him so God only requires dedication and devotion for all that He does for us.
My friends, be faithful to God, and not just when you need it and always, daily devotional man loves God and mercy, He gives him peace and joy and eternal life in His kingdom so be faithful to God, stand on the right path and hear the word God is the most important thing in!