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  رقم المشاركة : ( 1 )  
قديم 05 - 09 - 2023, 05:18 PM
الصورة الرمزية Mary Naeem
Mary Naeem Female
† Admin Woman †

 الأوسمة و جوائز
 بينات الاتصال بالعضو
 اخر مواضيع العضو
  Mary Naeem غير متواجد حالياً  
الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 9
تـاريخ التسجيـل : May 2012
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : Egypt
المشاركـــــــات : 1,299,719

But to grant the Holy Spirit is the task of the clergymen

Pope Shenouda III

But to grant the Holy Spirit is the task of the clergymen, first practised by the Apostles by the lying on of hands, then by the clergymen in the Sacrament of Chrismation.
We receive the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Chrismation (Confirmation) after the Sacrament of Baptism. The Holy Bible mentions this Anointing in (1 John.2: 20,27) and mentions the laying on of hands by the Apostles in (Acts 8: 14-17).
The authority to grant the Holy Spirit, which was the Apostles' and then their successors', is claimed today by youth and laity who commend the Holy Spirit to others to let them be filled with the Holy Spirit and speak with tongues!
In our Orthodox theology, whoever receives a gift tries to hide it, as did Bishop St. Serapion who had the gift of healing, and many other saints.
رد مع اقتباس
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الانتقال السريع

قد تكون مهتم بالمواضيع التالية ايضاً
The Holy Spirit will come upon you
Baptism is the Task of the Clergymen
The Holy Spirit is God’s Spirit
O Holy Spirit grant me the gift of prayer
Holy Spirit who has been given to us

الساعة الآن 07:43 PM

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