18But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. 19For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: 20These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashed hands defiles not a man. Matt 15;18-20
This was again standing out to me. How important it is that we deal with things from the heart! Our heart is so much the source of everything we say and do both good and bad.
I was reminded never to worry about details outside of our hearts. Nothing around us can affect us if our hearts are close to the Lord. I’ll be spending so much time with family, some Christian, some not, this next few days.. and it’s going to be harder to get that time alone with the Lord.
But I am praying I will find a way to get alone.. as I have this morning.. and to stay close to the Lord in this busy situation. I’ve never been good at that on the road and it is challenging!
I will not worry about the circumstances, people, or the activities they choose to engage in while I’m with them.. my heart is safe in the Lord. I am so looking forward to being with them and pray I will be a blessing to each of them.
Just keeping on seeking him first. He’ll find me that alone place that I need on the road. I’m sure of that.
Praying that I will be so filled with the Lord’s Holy Spirit.. that whatever I do or say will be glorifying.. and that my presence will be a channel of HIS presence wherever I find myself. Praying that I will be a servant every moment of this day and each place and group I find myself in. (Yesterday’s reading :D ).. and his emissary to any of our family who are lost. Shining God’s light to those whom I love so much