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رقم المشاركة : ( 1 )
![]() And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord Eph. 5:18 One thing I have learned in the last two months is that the heart of addiction.. is turning to something besides God.. to make you happy. Whether that 'thing' or idol as I like to call it is food, sex, attention, praise, alcohol, workaholism, laziness, movies, computer games or facebook..the heart of the matter is that we feel empty or 'unhappy'. I discovered this when I realized that being on the computer ... online.. had become an addiction. Most of my kids moved away from home, my husband started working a full-time job away from home after being employed at home for 15 years and then he and my daughter had to move close to work for almost seven months.. leaving me and my 18 yr old alone all week. (And I had a broken arm and could no longer do any normal work.) What started out as a way to communicate long distance.. turned into me making friends online... friends who became more important than just about anyone or anything. But that was only one of a long chain of things that have been somewhat 'addictive' to me over the years. 7He withdraws not his eyes from the righteous: but with kings are they on the throne; yes, he does establish them for ever, and they are exalted. 8And if they be bound in fetters, and be held in cords of affliction; 9Then he shows them their work, and their transgressions that they have exceeded. 10He opens also their ear to discipline, and commands that they return from iniquity. Job 36: 7-10 I've always struggled with my weight, with some degree of low self-esteem, watching movies too much or reading books.. and now it seems.. computer games and online communities. One day I cried out to the Lord to rescue me.. and in the last five months, it's been a baby step by baby step back to 'reality'..and more than that.. to joyful living in the presence of our dear Lord. ![]() How grateful I am for a daughter who prayed for me daily.. and 'encouraged' me back to real life! And for the patience of my husband and kids, who didn't give up on me. Daily I thank God for my friend Nate, who struggled as I did.. and who continually bugged me with "so what did you read today from God's word?" on skype. He was a fellow sufferer with me and helped me climb up out of the 'miry pit' and the 'slough of despond'. My safety net is getting 'Happy in the Lord' every single morning.. and all day on Sunday. You do this simply by obeying the Lord in seeking him first before anything else. And by seeking him.. I mean immersing yourself in God's word.. one verse at a time... one phrase at a time.. one word at a time if necessary. Then whatever 'speaks' to you.. correction , praise, prayer, instruction.. pray about each bit to the Lord. Doing this has changed me in ways I can hardly describe! Meditate on these things; give yourself wholly to them; that your profiting may appear to all. I Tim 4:15 If you have never tried meditating on just one verse, you really should try it. George Mueller said that it was the secret of his long life of devotion and fruitfulness in serving the Lord. Who is George Muller? I've been reading his biography all week and have learned so much about how to seek the Lord through him. He had read his Bible from end to end almost 200 times.27 He had prayed in millions of dollars (in today's currency28) for the Orphans and never asked anyone directly for money. He never took a salary in the last 68 years of his ministry, but trusted God to put in people's hearts to send him what he needed. He never took out a loan or went into debt.29 And neither he nor the orphans were ever hungry. The eccentric pastor and orphan-lover was gone. You can hear or read his story here. As regarding personal devotions.... According to my judgement the most important point to be attended to is this: above all things see to it that your souls are happy in the Lord. Other things may press upon you, the Lord's work may even have urgent claims upon your attention, but I deliberately repeat, it is of supreme and paramount importance that you should seek above all things to have your souls truly happy in God Himself! Day by day seek to make this the most important business of your life. This has been my firm and settled condition for the last five and thirty years. For the first four years after my conversion I knew not its vast importance, but now after much experience I specially commend this point to the notice of my younger brethren and sisters in Christ: the secret of all true effectual service is joy in God, having experimental acquaintance and fellowship with God Himself.67 I'll share more about this tomorrow.. but for now.. whenever you feel like 'indulging' or you find yourself getting irritable, impatient... wanting to go shop or take a drink.. try turning to the Lord instead. Get out your bible..turn to a Psalm.. the one for the day of the month perhaps.. and just meditate on one verse.. until it blows your mind.. and the Lord makes it real to you. Then pray.. crying out to God to help you in your battle against temptation. His word will make you strong and happy.. his grace will help you say no. My prayer for you is that you join me in making yourself "happy in the Lord' every single morning. May the Lord fill you with his love, truth, peace, joy, patience, self-control, goodness, gentleness, and kindness |
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رقم المشاركة : ( 2 ) | ||||
† Admin Woman †
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![]() Thanks Ramez |
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رقم المشاركة : ( 3 ) | ||||
..::| الإدارة العامة |::..
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![]() Thanks Ramez |
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