أنت يارب أبونا ولينا منذ الأبد اسمك. أش 63: 16
You, O LORD, are our Father; Our Redeemer from Everlasting is Your name. (Isa. 63: 16)
طوبي للذي نسي حديث العالم بحديثه معك، لأن فيك تكتمل كل حاجاته. أنت هو اكله وشربه! أنت هو بيته ومسكن راحته،اليك يدخل في كل وقت ليستتر! أنت هو شمسه ونهاره، بنورك يري الخفيلت. أنت هو الآب والده! أنت أعطيته روح ابنك في قلبه! القديس يوحنا سابا
Blessed is him, who forgot the talk of the world, listening to Your talk; as in You, all his needs are fulfilled. You are his food and drink! You are His home and place of comfort! To You, he enters any time to find refuge! You are His sun and daylight; with Your light, he can see the hidden things! You are the Father, His Father! You have provided him with the Spirit of Your Son in his heart! (St. John Saba )