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  رقم المشاركة : ( 1 )  
قديم 26 - 11 - 2020, 11:21 PM
الصورة الرمزية walaa farouk
walaa farouk Female
..::| الإدارة العامة |::..

 الأوسمة و جوائز
 بينات الاتصال بالعضو
 اخر مواضيع العضو
  walaa farouk متواجد حالياً  
الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 122664
تـاريخ التسجيـل : Jun 2015
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : مصر
المشاركـــــــات : 364,316

Reflections on Christmas 🌸
# He gave himself up at his birth 🌸

Reflections on Christmas 🌸 He gave himself up at his birth 🌸
Wonderful is the Lord in his humility, when he made himself clear at his birth.
He descended into the world calmly and without fanfare, and entered into a secret that no one felt ... He did not specify the date of his coming.
✝️ Thus he was born on an unknown day, neither the earth nor the sky prepared for him, and no one received him in it. The day of his birth was hateful to the world, although it was one of the greatest days in which the work of salvation that was accomplished on the cross began.
If the Lord descended into the world in the ranks of his angels, on a great cloud, or in a luminous chariot surrounded by cherubim and seraphim ... and the heavens and all the forces of nature shook for him ... or if the sky celebrated his birth, and not a simple star that appeared to the wise men, but shook him All the stars and planets of the sky ... if that had happened, we would have said that it is something befitting the Lord and his glory ...!
If a person was traveling to a place, he would send messages before that, so loved ones, friends, relatives, acquaintances and people would receive him, and he might be upset if someone shortened his waiting or receiving ....
As for the Lord Christ, He entered the world in silence, far from all appearances of welcome, in noise, and in a simple, quiet manner ... He entered with a strange denial of self, or a strange emptiness of self, and all those who received him were a group of poor shepherds, then the Magi ...
* There are people who like to be noisy and cheerful in their entry and exit, because the effectiveness of the birth of Christ has not changed them yet ...
The Lord Jesus Christ was not only disturbed by the calm of his coming into the world, but also in all the circumstances of his birth. How was that?
* Born from a poor orphan mother, who could not provide for her. The priests entrusted her to Joseph, engaged her to live in his shroud.
He was born in a village that is: “the youngest among the princes of Judah” (Matthew 2: 6).
And he lived in Nazareth, which the people admired, if something good could come out of it (John 1:46). And they were called Nazareth.
And he lived in a simple carpenter's house, until they lamented him saying: “Is this not the carpenter’s son” (Matthew 13: 5).
And he lived an unknown thirty years, a period that seemed lost in history. Even the apostles almost never took care to write about it ...
✝️ He lived in it without anyone paying attention to him, concealed that no one knows anything about him, like any ordinary person ... While those thirty years are the period of youth and strength in which every person cares about himself, and in which every young man wants to appear and do a job ...
The Lord vacated Himself and lived in natural developments like all human beings.
Spend time as an infant and as a child. He was not ashamed of the weakness of childhood ... including the need for help from others, and he is the helper of everyone!
A mother's need to take care of, who is the shepherd! A need for a woman who is made by his own hands, who carries him in her hands, takes care of him, and he cares about everyone. And feed him, and give him to eat and drink!
It is strange in his childhood that he made himself free from using his power. So he fled before Herod, while Herod's spirit was in his hand! He escaped from Herod, who created Herod, and kept him until that day. This is strange.
It is astonishing to see the strong, the omnipotent one, to flee like all those who flee from tribulation! He escapes from murder and he who owns life and death ...
And he came to Egypt and lived there for years. He did not return until after the weather had calmed down, while he could miraculously escape from the man or eliminate him ...
Empty himself, so bear the weakness of humanity, which is the protection of every weakness.
He allowed himself to be hungry, thirsty, tired, and slept, just like other people ...
It is astonishing that it is said of the Lord that at the end of the forty days: “He was finally hungry” (Matthew 4: 2). It is amazing that this fountain that has irrigated everyone says to the Samaritan: "Give me to drink" (John 4: 7),
✝️ And he says on the cross: “I am thirsty” (John 19:28). It was astonishing that it was said of him that he was tired and sat by the well (John 4: 6) and that he slept in the ship (Luke 8:23).
The Lord Himself made all this eviction to shame those who are proud and proud. As if to say to all of them: I was not born in a king's palace, nor on a bed of silk, but in a manger for cattle. But I will make this provider greater than the thrones of emperors and kings ... People will come to him from the east to the west to be blessed by him.
It is not the place that glorifies man, but man that glorifies the place. Real greatness stems from within.
Let the Lord reside anywhere, even if it is a place for cattle, and let him be born in any village, even if it is the youngest in Judah. But he will raise the status of all this ... He will be born in this meanness to glory. He is born of a poor girl, and makes her the greatest woman in the world ... He is born in the house of a simple carpenter man, and turns him into a famous saint in the church ...
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الانتقال السريع

قد تكون مهتم بالمواضيع التالية ايضاً
لا مواد ملتهبة تزيد آلامهم 🌸😊🌸
تأملات في الميلاد 🌸 🌸 أخلى ذاته في ميلاده 🌸
🌸 ثمانية عادات تقضي على صحتك النفسية 🌸
لذالك تخير مع من تصمت ومع من تتحاور🌸🌸
💠 تأمل بعنوان " أقوم وأذهب إلى أبى " ( لو 15 : 18 ) 💠 🌸 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

الساعة الآن 06:43 PM

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