If intercession, which is prayer, is considered mediation, and if every mediation is unacceptable, then every man's prayer for the sake of another is an unacceptable mediation since we have only one Mediator!
In refusing the mediation in prayers, on the pretext that the relationship between God and man is a direct one which in the Divine love does not need the prayers of others, then the Apostle would be wrong (far from it) in saying, "pray for one another" (Jas.5: 16)! Accordingly, prayers for the sake of others which are mentioned in the Holy Bible are meaningless and not in accord with the Divine love!
Because God loves people, He does not need others to pray to Him for the sake of His children to remind Him of His Providence and Paternal love!
Those who think in this way misunderstand the Divine design when God asked Abimelech to let Abraham pray for him (Gen.20: 7) and when He asked Job's friends to let Job pray for them (Job.42: 8).