This ungratefulness of Adam and the insult against God is what is called as the Original Sin. Henceforth, this sin is inherited by all men, as being Adam’s offspring. This sin is forgiven only through the Holy Sacrament of Baptism.
The Fall of the first-created was great, as great as were the benefits which they had received from God. God, granted them all Nature and placed one only rule to keep. They had everything and, yet, they wanted to steel deification; they attempted illegally to become ‘gods’ as their Creator, but without the Grace of their Creator. God wanted them to become perfect through obedience to His Divine Will, but they wanted to achieve this perfection and deification without struggling. The results was catastrophic not only for Adam, but for all his descendants. Fear, cowardice, accusing of one another, lies, slander, hatred, envy, murder, mortality and finally death replaced man’s conditions which he had in Paradise.