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رقم المشاركة : ( 170501 ) | ||||
† Admin Woman †
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![]() ![]() قداسة البابا تواضروس الثاني Editorial Article by H.H. Pope Tawadros II in Kiraza Magazine: The Greatest Feeling Humans have been living in this large world, which is called the “macrocosmos,” for centuries in groups, peoples, and nations generation after generation, while one human being was called the “microcosmos,” that is “the small world.” Each of us is the expert of his or her inner or outer being, personality, character, diverse and multiple feelings, behaviors, actions, words, terminology, expressions, point of view, etc.—all these define the features of the person’s “small world” in this “big world.” Throughout the journey of life, many feelings are formed in a person, such as love, hate, resentment, revenge, malice, criticism, kindness, complaining, ambition, stubbornness, greed, selfishness, and many more. We stand wondering “What is the greatest feeling…” that a person can have to live happily, exercising his humanity that God created when He placed him in this vast universe. Moreover my friend, if you search your life, you will not find anything better than “the feeling of contentment” as it is the greatest feeling with which a person lives according to the purpose of God, the Pantocrator, the Governor of humanity and the creation, i.e. the earth, sea, and even heaven… the Controller of the seen and unseen. St. Paul the Apostle said while he was in prison: “…for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content” (Philippians 4:10-13 NKJV). This is an image of contentment as a faith-based and positive feeling that flows through a calm heart and soul. Because a complaining soul is always loud and rebellious and does not like anything or anyone. Feeling satisfied means a constant sense of acceptance of “my life” that God offers to me every day, as David the Prophet says: “I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved” (Psalm 16:8). The feeling of contentment is the behavior of a Christian believer in daily life, not out of passivity, complacency, lack of jobs or laziness, but rather out of inner acceptance that God who created me is the Governor of all aspects of my life. This can be seen in the Virgin Mary’s response when she received the amazing heavenly good news, saying, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38); she replied without objection, rejection, complaining, repulsion, or lack of acceptance. A content lifestyle requires the person to have a pure eye, and this begins with nourishing children and instilling these concepts in their thoughts. Likewise, feeling satisfaction is a sign of success in the stages of a person’s life because this feeling raises them from one stage to the other with diligence. Complaining hinders a person’s steps and even hurts them with disorientation, confusion, wasting available opportunities, and paralyzing mental abilities. It is important to recognize that the story of man’s fall began with dissatisfaction, and in general the life of sin begins with dissatisfaction. Consider with me, friend, the parable of the prodigal son, and how he left his home and descended into living with pigs and and the depths of sin. Solomon the Wise expresses himself in proverbs, saying: “A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb, but to a hungry (complaining) soul every bitter thing is sweet” (Proverbs 27:7). One philosopher said that every human being is a well of desires, but the feeling of satisfaction closes this well. There is a nice story about the Christmas tree: One day, it complained about its shape and went to Jesus Christ, and said to Him: “How can Your Christmas tree have such small leaves?” Jesus asked her about her desire, and she said, “I want my leaf to be made of gold!” So He gave it what it wanted, but in the evening thieves came and stole all its leaves. Again, it came complaining to Christ and asked Him to make the leaves out of glass. Jesus also granted the request, but at night a severe storm happened causing these glass leaves to break. For a third time, it came to Jesus Christ and said to Him, “I want my green leaves to be large and wide,” and the Lord answered this time as well. Then a flock of sheep passed by the tree and ate the leaves! In the end, the tree returned to the Lord and said to Him, “I want to return to the way You made me!” There will be no thieves to steal from me, no storm to break my leaves, and no sheep to eat me, and I will remain a beautiful green tree and satisfied with everything You created me to be. The life of a content person revolves around four main characteristics that shape their life’s journey on earth: First: Satisfaction with major choice and decisio n because a choice is a freedom and responsibility. This applies to education, career, and considering one’s future, whether to take the path of marriage or the path of consecration in all its aspects, for “no one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62). The enemy of good always brings doubt to the path you take. Perhaps the story of “Ruth the Moabite” provides us with an example of a soul that is completely content in all experiences of life, and therefore deserved to be mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:5). Second: Satisfaction with service and practical responsibility because sometimes a person compares themselves to another, and that’s how complaints arise. Know that God gives each person talents according to his or her ability (Matthew 25:15-28). Third: Satisfaction with others whether a life partner, service partner, or work or study colleague. The lack of harmony with partners is often caused by a lack of love and an openness of heart to accept the other. Consider that the other person is a message from God to you, to learn from and love more. Fourth: Satisfaction with circumstances because they are constantly changing and the situation does not remain the same. The four seasons of the year change in order to satisfy all tastes. So beware of complaining and rebelling; know that He is the “Beneficent” (i.e. Doer of Good) all the time; thank Him at all times; put your trust in Him; and know that God does not give us when we are lazy, but rather gives us when we are unable. |
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رقم المشاركة : ( 170502 ) | ||||
† Admin Woman †
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![]() ![]() قداسة البابا تواضروس الثاني Editorial Article by H.H. Pope Tawadros II in Kiraza Magazine: The Papal Encyclical of the Glorious Feast of Resurrection In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God, Amen. May His grace and mercy be upon us from now and forever, Amen. Christos Anesti, Alithos Anisti. Christ is risen, truly He is risen. I congratulate you, beloved ones, on the glorious feast of Resurrection. I congratulate all the Coptic Orthodox churches and monasteries on the continents of the world, in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and on the continent of Australia and in the city of our great God, Jerusalem. I congratulate you on this feast we celebrate after fasting, this Great Lent, the Holy Fast. This fast, which contains ascetic practices and spiritual life, fills and satisfies us. When we come to the Resurrection and the dawn of the Resurrection, we envision many scenes. One of these is the scene of the Marys trying to offer spices. But they were concerned with this question: Who will roll away the stone for us (Mark 16:3)? This dilemma is not only attributed to the Marys but also confronts us in our daily lives as well. We face many circumstances and situations in our lives, and sometimes, the stone remains apparent. This stone could be a sin. It could be laziness, excessive preoccupation with work, or even your own self, or priorities and their arrangement. Who will roll away the stone for us? The stone here represents an obstacle for the person. Who will move it? Of course, it is clear to us that the Marys were women. When they stood in front of a large stone that was blocking the door of the tomb, it was not easy for them to move it. It was causing a problem. In our daily lives, we face many problems, and the question comes: Who will roll away the stone? Who solves the problem? Who will remove this obstacle? Who opens the dead end? I remind you of the rich young man (Luke 18:18-23). The rich young man who lived and went and asked Christ an outstanding question and said, what must I do to inherit eternal life? Great question. A young man was searching for his eternity. After Christ explained to him to keep the commandments, he said to him, “All these things I have kept from my youth.” He said to him, “You lack one thing.” One step ahead. What is one step? Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor so that you may have treasure in heaven, and come, follow me, carrying the cross. The book tells us that this young man departed sad (Luke 18:23). A stone was in front of him, and he could not overcome it. His wealth was a stone. I remind you of the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector (Luke 18:9-14). When they entered to pray, this Pharisee’s self-righteousness stood before him, and the feeling that he was the best. As for the man who was the tax collector, he left justified because he said one phrase. Oh God, have mercy on me, a sinner (Luke 18:13). Who will roll away the stone for us? The second point is the Marys; although the question preoccupied them and they faced difficulties, the truth was that they had diligence and determination. What did they do? They prepared the spices and themselves and left at dawn to go out (Mark 16:1) to place these spices on the body of Christ, who had died on the wood of the cross. Their concern was who would roll away the stone. This question did not deter them; it ignited their determination. They persevered with unwavering hope and a steadfast belief that something was inevitable. Saint Paul the Apostle tells us a beautiful verse: “Not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11). In the Book of Proverbs in the Old Testament, it says: “The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting” (Proverbs 12:27). This means that if you bring a hook and set it without preparing it well, you will not catch a fish. In the Old Testament, we see Nehemiah’s circumstances in captivity. News came to Nehemiah that his country’s walls were broken down, and its gates were burned with fire. After receiving the king’s permission, he returned to his city, Jerusalem, and tried to build it. He did not have any capabilities, so he began to tell those living around the wall’s perimeter that each one should build part of the wall that was in front of his own house (Nehemiah 3:28). And they began to work as such. He gave them a powerful slogan that said to them: “The God of heaven Himself will prosper us; therefore, we His servants will arise and build,” (Nehemiah 2:20). This means we will take this success from God when we get up and work. Although the wall in front of him was destroyed and the doors were burned by fire. Perhaps this exact situation was with the wise virgins (Matthew 25:1-13). They worked hard, prepared oil, prepared lamps, and waited for Christ. They stayed up even though they did not know when Christ the Bridegroom would come. The first step, who will roll away the stone for us? This is the obstacle. The second step is diligence and effort. The third step was a good step, which was the step of the raised stone. It is the hand of our Lord when it works. They arrived at the tomb and saw the stone had been rolled away (Mark 16:4). Please imagine their feelings. Their inner joy was that the stone that represented the problem and difficulty was lifted by Jesus Christ, and he rose from the dead. They found the stone was rolled away, the tomb empty, and the hand of God at work. Therefore, when you face any difficulty, know that the hand of our Lord is working. Prior to the Resurrection by two days, there was the cross on Friday, and on the cross Jesus Christ was crucified, and on his right was a thief and on his left was another thief, so that everyone would be considered as if they were thieves. The right-handed thief said a beautiful phrase, and I think he did not expect its result: “Remember me, O Lord, when you come into your kingdom,” and this was the result. “Today you will be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:42-43). Christ rose to raise us up with Him. For this reason, when you face a difficulty or a problem, work hard and be honest and know that God’s hand is working, and the result will be amazing with your faith and hope. I extend my heartfelt congratulations on this glorious feast to all members of our community. I congratulate all the Fathers Metropolitans, Bishops, Hegumens, and Presbyters. I congratulate the deacons, the archons, and the servants. I also congratulate every Coptic family in every church and in any place. I congratulate the young men and women, and I also congratulate the boys and girls, and I congratulate the children. I congratulate you all from the land of Egypt and from the Coptic Orthodox Church, here from the cathedral, St. Mark’s Cathedral in Abbasiya, Cairo. I send this congratulations to all of you. I wish you a joyful and blessed feast, filled with the cheerfulness and deep sense of the glorious resurrection that we commemorate and rejoice in as we echo the words of our daily prayers, “Arise, O sons of light, so that we may praise the Lord of hosts.” Christos Anesti, Alithos Anisti. Christ is risen, truly He is risen. |
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رقم المشاركة : ( 170503 ) | ||||
† Admin Woman †
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![]() ![]() قداسة البابا تواضروس الثاني Editorial Article by H.H. Pope Tawadros II in Kiraza Magazine: The Most Dangerous Fire In human history, fire is considered one of the components of the theory of the four elements: water, air, fire, and earth. This article does not refer to “physical fire” that destroys and burns everything to ash, such as wildfires caused by material or environmental factors like climate change-induced forest fires or volcanic eruptions that spew destructive lava and ash. Rather, this article refers to moral fire, ignited by the tongue, as described by St. James the Apostle in his letter: “And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity” (James 3:6 NKJV). In the Old Testament, Proverbs also states, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21). Humans, as speaking beings, communicate through speech, listening, reading, and writing. These forms of communication underpin human civilization, distinguishing us from other living beings like plants and animals that lack these multiple forms of communication and cannot build a civilization comparable to those throughout human history. The importance of the tongue, likened to fire, lies in its power to influence, build, and destroy; “With it we bless our God…, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God” (James 3:9). St. James the Apostle dedicates a whole chapter to describing the tongue, attributing various qualities to it: A small member that boasts great things, a world of iniquity, defiles the whole body, sets the course of nature on fire, is set on fire by hell, uncontrollable evil, full of deadly poison, and so on. But above all these traits, it is considered “a real fire” that can ignite souls, hearts, and minds, burning, consuming, and destroying, thus misusing the tongue may negatively impact many. A corrupt tongue speaks lies, deceit, hypocrisy, slander, and gossip; it is compared to a serpent (Psalm 140:3), a sharp razor (Psalm 52:2), a sharp sword (Psalm 57:4), and a deadly arrow (Jeremiah 9:7, 18:18). Throughout history, the tongue’s lies have been like evil arrows igniting fires between individuals, groups, nations, and peoples, as warned in the final book of the Bible, Revelation, when it described the eight categories of people who do not enter into the presence of God: “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death” (Revelation 21:8). This warning is reiterated in the final chapter: “Outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie” (Revelation 22:15). With the proliferation of social media platforms and billions of mobile devices worldwide in the hands of kids and adults, falsehoods in all forms and shapes have become prevalent in today’s world. Lying at all levels, from international and local news to scams and thefts among individuals and groups, the “human tongue” has found its ingenious means of transmitting and disseminating it. We also hear about cybersecurity that aims to protect data from being falsified or stolen and misused across various fields. In the early Christian Church, after Pentecost, the Bible records the story of Ananias and his wife Sapphira as a stark example of lying and hiding the truth out of greed for money, honor, and fame. However, the punishment was severe as they died because of their lie (Acts 5:1-11). Today, lying has become alarmingly common in news, art, recordings, videos, and other media. Artificial intelligence has entered this field, making it more difficult to distinguish between what is true and what is false. The first lie in any matter leads to a second, then a third, until “smooth lying” gradually dulls the conscience, making a person without moral sense, living in a world full of and breathing in deceit, fraud, and delusion. One of the manifestations of the tongue’s fire is when some websites describe a person as “a heretic.” This harsh accusation describes someone who invents false and deviant statements about faith and doctrine. However, issuing such an accusation concerning the integrity of faith is not the right of any individual, just as only a judge has the authority to issue a ruling against an accused person. A single person judging someone as “a heretic” in this way, spreads a fire around them that quickly spreads without verification or investigation. The only body that has the right to label someone as “a heretic” is the Holy Synod of the Church, by consensus of its members and after thorough investigations that allow the person the opportunity to defend themselves. Writings and websites that use their tongues to issue such labels or others about any person, ignite the most dangerous and destructive fire, ruining the lives of individuals and their families. My friend, your tongue is a fire when you use it for lies and deceit against others. Know that by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. Beware of this fire that is not easily extinguished but extends from age to age. Do not participate in such lies, for if you do, you will lose your heavenly share. Let those who have ears hear and beware. |
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رقم المشاركة : ( 170504 ) | ||||
† Admin Woman †
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![]() ![]() قداسة البابا تواضروس الثاني Editorial Article by H.H. Pope Tawadros II in Kiraza Magazine: The Greatest Consolation The hours of a day for a person are usually divided into three equal parts: – 8 hours for sleep, which is the primary human need – 8 hours for work, study, and research, which are hours of productivity – 8 hours that vary from person to person but are typically spent on activities such as family, friends, worship, health, hobbies, reading, service, and personal matters. It is known that all humans share the same daily gift of time, as everyone receives 24 hours each day, regardless of their age, work, qualifications, health, or service. People constantly seek consolation / comfort / rest, whether personal, familial, or social. One of the Ten Commandments is: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8, NKJV), which means dedicating it to acts of love, mercy, worship, and abstaining from all forms of earthly work to make it a day dedicated to God. The creation process, which spanned six days and culminated by the creation of man as male and female on the sixth day, then it is written: “… on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made” (Genesis 2:2-3). In the context of the commandment, ‘consolation’ symbolizes liberation from work and responsibility, not laziness and sleep, despite humans spending a third of their lives in sleep and relaxation. This is considered one of the mysteries by human studies scholars: Why does a person sleep? The simple answer is to rest. The unanswered question by scientists is: Why rest? In the history of the Israelites, they longed for the land of rest or the Promised Land, as described in the Old Testament, considering it the anticipated rest, but they never truly enjoyed it. It is said that the city of peace, Jerusalem, which was built three thousand years ago, only experienced thirty years of peace throughout its long history. This brings the personal question: What is the greatest consolation for a human? The astonishing answer is that the greatest consolation is serving others, exerting effort, and sacrificing for them. The inner peace felt after serving others in any field of service is profound, and perhaps this is why organizations like the Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders, which rely on voluntary service without any material benefits, exist. Their service extends across nations and peoples without any specific purpose other than to help and serve humans in times of crisis, purely for the inner peace it brings. Socially, the concept of consolation varies from person to person. Some consider it a vacation, a trip, traveling to other countries, strolling in gardens, or resting at home in all its forms. These, however, differ from the concepts of laziness, slackness, and avoiding work, even sleeping at non-night hours or not exerting effort in any form. It is written: “The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting” (Proverbs 12:27). One of the most beautiful biblical passages on this subject is from Proverbs: “Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise” (Proverbs 6:6). Therefore, true consolation is the exerting effort for the sake of others, as Christ came to us to complete the work of salvation for humanity, saying on the Cross: “It is finished!” (John 19:30). The sacrifice of the Cross and its suffering was the gift of salvation for mankind and God’s joy for His creation to have eternal life: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). There is, of course, a significant difference between working for a job with a salary or financial compensation and a hobby practiced without payment or material benefit, merely for the enjoyment and psychological consolation it brings, making a person spend hours and hours without exhaustion or boredom, achieving inner peace. This applies to serving others in many fields, with the goal being to make others happy, whether an orphaned child, a person with special needs, a patient, an elderly individual, or helping people in times of distress and natural disasters or conflicts and wars. Dear reader, you will not feel true comfort unless you exert yourself in serving others: – Parents who give so much in raising and nurturing their children. – Teachers who impart life experiences to all their students with effort and dedication. – Servants who tirelessly visit their children and tie them vitally to the Church. – Priests who dedicate their lives to serving and caring for their people in all aspects. – Church or civil officials in their service or work related to helping others and facilitating life for them. The consolation derived from serving others, wherever they are and whenever they appear, protects a person from selfishness and self-centeredness, as it leads a person out of self-absorption to others in effort, sacrifice, and true dedication, making them feel their humanity and their purpose in life as God intended. The same applies when inviting someone to service, consecration, priesthood, or episcopacy; it is not an invitation for promotion, position, or leadership, but an invitation to “consoling effort,” meaning serving others – serving every person and the whole person. My friend, enjoy true consolation in your effort and sacrifice for everyone. |
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رقم المشاركة : ( 170505 ) | ||||
† Admin Woman †
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![]() ![]() قداسة البابا تواضروس الثاني Editorial Article by H.H. Pope Tawadros II in Kiraza Magazine: The Greatest Entity Between 7-8 billion people live on Earth, living in countries that make up the map of the globe, with a number of nearly 200 countries, according to United Nations statistics. These people in every country live and are linked to many entities, whether educational, health, social, industrial, agricultural, economic, scientific or religious, etc. These entities constitute factories, farms, universities, unions, parties, clubs, religious institutions and much more. But what is the greatest entity on earth? Or what is the most important entity among these entities? After research and examination, the answer will be that it is the family entity, the entity that God himself established when the first man created Adam and then created his counterpart Eve, as the Book of Genesis states: “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth” (Genesis 1:27- 28). And with that, the sacrament of holy matrimony, in which the two are one, was established. It is the entity of love that unites man and woman in a sacred bond that extends to their children through true love, until the word “family” became itself an acronym of six letters (note that man was created on the sixth day): Father and Mother I Love You Because of the importance of this entity in human life, it must go through five types of union in order to become a strong, coherent and stable entity over the years: First: Intellectual union at the level of thought, which is what we call the engagement period.The word “engage”, entails an exchange between him and her; an exchange ideas, principles and values within the thought of each of them. Through this period, they discover each other and it (the engagement) becomes an expedition of the personality who will become a partner in the journey of establishing the sacred entity. Second: Spiritual union at the level of the meeting of spirits in joint spiritual work through various spiritual works with an emphasis on the holy sacraments, especially the sacraments of repentance (confession) and the Eucharist (communion). The means of grace work in this spiritual union so that it becomes the inner dimension that builds the marriage entity and makes it always alive. Third: The emotional union at the level of the passion that God has created in us, because the man who keeps his youth pure from the failures of passion in any way, but offers the most precious gift to his partner, which is the heart full of passion, that is, with true love that sees in the other that it is a special gift from God’s hand to him, as if all the girls of the world gathered in the girl he chose, and she also sees that all the youth of the world gathered in the young man she chose. And the object of love grows with them every day from engagement to wedding and then life with its long journey until the last day of life. Fourth: Social union, that is, in front of society, where they appear together on all social, religious or family occasions in beautiful harmony, testing together how they behave in multiple situations, how they present each other to others, and any words used with friends, colleagues and relatives. Thus, the entity is formed openly and almost perfectly. Fifth: The physical union with the wreath and the wedding and they become bridegroom and bride in preparation for being husband and wife, and then after sometime, becoming a dad and a mom, as it is written, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Noting that this verse is repeated 4 times in the Old and New Testaments. Thus, the picture of the “family entity”, which is the greatest human entity on earth and dependent on the presence of Christ in it, is complete, because we believe that marriage is a threefold bond made up of Christ, man and woman, not a double bond and it is written: “a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:12). It is not in vain that the first miracle of Christ was at the wedding of Cana of Galilee. Of course, this entity will face the many tribulations of time, but these tribulations will be the cause of strengthening this entity and bringing each partner closer to the other with support, coexistence and assistance, and thus this entity will endure, continue, and remain strong, stable and continuous if it saves itself from sins and failures, filling the house with the permanent presence of Christ with respect and submission between the two partners in the umbrella of the precious love of Christ. It is this powerful entity that builds societies, preserves the principles of humanity and creates saints through generations, and therefore the forces of evil work in every way to weaken this entity, which ultimately leads to the weakening of states and even their collapse from within. We now read about same-sex marriage, which is not a marriage but one of Satan’s tricks to overthrow the meaning of the family, we read about transgenderism, about surrogacy, about breaking up the family by separation, divorce, betrayal or violence, all of which and others are diabolical means of destroying the entity that God himself established for the good of humanity… This is what the Bible states that “the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19). O every family, protect your life, keep away from these weaknesses, and be steadfast in the face of these sins. Preserve this precious entity to continue, survive, bear fruit and succeed. Also,to every father and mother, plant in the lives of your sons and daughters the sanctity and high value of this entity on earth and in heaven. Instill in them real principles about the status of the family and how to always be strong and successful. To Every young man and woman, know that the most dangerous decision in the life of each of you is the decision to marry and start a family, so prepare for it with thought, mind, heart, soul and the experience of adults and parents. Wishing you the greatest entity in your life, which is: the formation of a blessed family in the Lord. |
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رقم المشاركة : ( 170506 ) | ||||
† Admin Woman †
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![]() ![]() قداسة البابا تواضروس الثاني Editorial Article by H.H. Pope Tawadros II in Kiraza Magazine: Selection of Beautiful Sayings â—ڈ “We live in a time when if they hear good things about you, they hide it; if they hear bad things, they broadcast it; and if they don’t hear anything at all, they invent it” (Gibran Khalil Gibran). â—ڈ You must choose to search for joy every morning and not wait for it to come. â—ڈ Beauty should not be in the body but in the spirit. â—ڈ Happy people do not have everything but are content with anything. â—ڈ Your coffee gets cold if you ignore it. So, what about those you love? â—ڈ If we are not in the places we love, we are then strangers wherever we are. â—ڈ Those who fear the Lord, others do not fear them, nor do they fear for them. â—ڈ All voices are in my ears, except Your voice is in my heart. â—ڈ Goals are dreams that we turn into plans with practical steps to achieve them. â—ڈ No matter the circumstance, when we see roses, we smile. â—ڈ To live a happy life: do not brag, talk less, learn daily, help others, laugh more, and ignore nonsense. â—ڈ One of the highest types of spiritual leisure is having true pleasure in being alone with yourself. For he who is not at ease with himself cannot be at ease with anyone else. â—ڈ The most important rule for failure is to please all people. â—ڈ A noble goal cannot be achieved through corrupt means. â—ڈ Everyone disappears and only the creative ones remain. â—ڈ Arrogance comes to those who are aware of their shortcomings. â—ڈ Strong fences make good neighbors. â—ڈ Water remains water whether you serve it in cups of gold or pottery, so be like water. Do not be affected by superficial things, and be the jewel of your soul. â—ڈ Life taught me that a shock weakens you for a moment and strengthens you for a lifetime. â—ڈ A bad companion is like a mosquito; you only feel it after being bitten. â—ڈ No one talks bad behind your back except those who hate your success. â—ڈ Sometimes people do not understand you, not because you are difficult, but because you are simpler than they expect. â—ڈ Don’t stop until you become proud of yourself. â—ڈ Morals and decency are the elegant garment of the soul. Anyone who thinks that appearances make a person elegant is mistaken. â—ڈ A wise man asked a smoker to put out his cigarette in his clothes. The smoker said: “Am I crazy to burn my clothes?” The wise man replied calmly: “My friend, are your clothes more precious than your lungs?” â—ڈ I watered trees, and they yielded fruit, but I gave water to humans, and they rejected. â—ڈ Do not believe those who say, “Your secret is safe in a well” (Egyptian saying), because the well provides water for all the villagers. â—ڈ The strongest and most dangerous scream of a woman is her silence. â—ڈ If your morals do not elevate you, your office will not elevate you. â—ڈ My family taught me to speak, and people taught me to be silent. (Czech proverb) â—ڈ “Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind” (Robert Green Ingersoll). â—ڈ Obesity is more deadly than hunger. (German proverb) â—ڈ Whoever lends money to his friend loses both. (French proverb) |
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رقم المشاركة : ( 170507 ) | ||||
† Admin Woman †
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![]() ![]() قداسة البابا تواضروس الثاني سلسلة "مؤهلات الخدمة" (ظ§).. "الخادم مختبر الألم" في اجتماع الأربعاء 14-08-2024 |
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رقم المشاركة : ( 170508 ) | ||||
† Admin Woman †
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![]() ![]() أبنى الغالى .. بنتي الغالية أقوم المنحنين أي أجعلهم منتصبين وأقوياء والمنحنين هم كل من سقطوا تحت ضغوط صعبة جعلتهم عاجزين عن القيام بأعمالهم أو مواصلة حياتهم |
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رقم المشاركة : ( 170509 ) | ||||
† Admin Woman †
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![]() ![]() القوا بهمومكم واحزانكم واوجاعكم وكل ما يؤلمكم عند الرب ، وسيتدخل هو بقوته وحكمته ورأفته ومحبته ويتحنن عليكم ويشفي جراحاتكم ويزيل همومكم وكل ما يتعبكم ويعيد البسمة الى وجوهكم من جديد ، تأكدوا ان الرب لا يترك ابنائه ولا يهملهم ولا ينساهم بل يأتي سريعا ليخلصهم وينقذه ويحميهم ، فلا تيأسوا وثقا بالرب وتوقيتاته لحياتكم وسيروا وانتم ثابتين بالايمان وواضعين كل احمالكم عليه وستجدونه معكم في كل لحظة يرشدكم ويقود خطاكم نحو شاطئ الامان . |
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رقم المشاركة : ( 170510 ) | ||||
† Admin Woman †
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![]() القديس الأنبا مويسيس أسقف كرسي أوسيم ![]() |