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Disappointed With God
![]() How many hours and days we spent worrying about things beyond our control, and perhaps we put all our energies in throwing the blame on society or people, but we may be throwing the blame on God. In fact we need in many times to have the eyes of God, which sees the positives and value in people we may see them does not fix to anything at all, we need to see that the death of Saint Stephen the Deacon at the beginning of the church and the church in dire need him, His death Leads to the born of Saint Paul rather than “Saul, who stood witness to” the death of Stephen, who is the richest the church with very deep spiritual letters and became the greatest preacher in the church history. St. Paul says in his letter to his disciple Timothy, “For this reason I also suffer these things, nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and I am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to him until that day ” (2 Tim 1:12), yes we may not understand anything, “and do not know anything” about God’s plan for us, But we know well, who delivered our lives, He is God Almighty,” The Pantocrator “. There are a lot of faith heroes in the Holy Bible, they weren’t afraid to be honest with God, the most two characters which were so real in their relationship with God were David and Job, Job had encountered God sharply, but I think that the difference between us lies in what happened in the last, that God appeared to Job, after all his suffering.. but he did not appear to us … and that is what make us blame God for everything, it’s excruciating pain, The Pain of treason, when you wake up and realize that suddenly everything was over, you put your life in the hands of God, but God let you down, and it’s true what we feel, we have put a lot of our trust in God, but what we all see that things are getting worse, so we Lose our faith. I believe that the rightful atheists do not feel disappointed in God, they do not expect anything, “and do not wait for anything,” as well as the cold spiritual people. Since God had ability to act fairly and speak out loud and appears in sight, why he seems to very slow to intervene today? Sarah had laughed ridicule laugh of pain also, “God gave the bright dream of having a child before the eyes of the infertile couple and then folded his hands and sat down and supervised both of them getting old age, so what God wanted? God wanted FAITH. Our father Abraham Learned to did not believe in what remains a reason to faith, and kept for us the memory of the faith, in contrary to the logic of mind. Mothers of Testament primates (Sarah – Rebecca – Rachel – Hannah the mother of Samuel – Hannah the mother of The Holy Virgin Mary), all of them spent their best years in desperate to have children, the waiting time is so dark and dingy would not have been bearable without faith only. If you want to see the stars you must sit in the dark. Faith is the best way human beings express their love to God. ![]() God can do everything and anything, but the most important thing he can’t control your love, he Gave you a free will to Love him or not, to accept him or not, the more I read the Bible the more I amazed how God allows human beings to influence him, God wants to forward his love to us and we love him back, God proves himself through love and not by power, Love to be more convincing it should be sacrifice able. The people of Israel is the most people saw the hands of God very clear, and his presence by their own eyes, and they are the most people deny his existence and infuriated him by the worship of idols, the most people saw the glory of Jesus in the Transfiguration are Peter, James and John after one week from what they saw , they left him and fled when he was in dire need of them, but also Peter denied, and in sharp contrast to that a lot of the saints stopped and confess their faith strongly in front of Governors, although they did not see one force from the hands of God as the people of Israel saw, and even children as well as saint Abanaob, because belief is inner strength does not depend on the events but depend on a strong personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. We often cry out to Jesus as those who crucified him:” If you are the Son of God get down from the cross and we will believe in you. “ “Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen “(Hebrews 11: 1) The Sky remained silent for 400 years between the end of Genesis and the beginning of Exodus, and people were screaming to God strongly, and the sky had been silent, when Jesus cried out “My God my God why have you forsaken me”, it was necessary for this silence until we are liberated, To enjoy eternal life. Conviction is a matter of basically we accept what God sends to us from his hand, and because we know he is good, what he also sends is just perfect to us. Prophet Habakkuk says,” Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labor of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food though the flock may be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation, the Lord God is my strength, he will make my feet like deer’s feet, and he will make me walk on my high hills.” (Habakkuk 3:17 – 19) The humble heart convince by anything had been given by God, and never allow to the thoughts to complain of something, and not compare his life with others life, and not allow to wish ” IF things had been different “and not thinking about tomorrow, but puts tomorrow in the hands of God. The emphasis on problems makes it very difficult to thank God. Jesus his Pain inside the cup when he said “Oh my Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless, not as I will but as you will “(Mathew 26: 39) All what we have to do is to raise the Cup of our lives in front of God and thanking God every day, saying, “Thy will be done” And start to look at our Life as a given gift from God rather than “being a cross.” The greatest defense against Satan’s machinations against our faith and our conviction is that we live eternal perspective and by this we can see our life and all the circumstances from the perspective of God. When we look at our lives from the perspective of eternity we will realize that eternity does not begin at our death, but it had already started when you get out from the baptismal font. The beginning of worrying is the end of faith, and the beginning of true faith is the end of worrying, the reason in our mind and all our worriers is due to the exclusion of God from our calculations, when we worry that is exactly like saying “God you cannot”, If we walk in the paths of worry, we do not walk by faith. Inner Tension is not a quiet confidence, but is merely suppressed worry, worrying does not work to empty tomorrow of grief, but it empties today of steam, didn’t hear that the fever of worrying prevented a disaster or the occurrence of hurricane or avoided drought. The faith is the fortress that keeps us strong even when painful attack us about what could happen or what might happen, faith is the confidence that God will save me when my feelings announcing another ideas. Noah was confirmed for himself with every nail in the ark “I believe in you Lord” for a period of 110 years to build an ark on the barren land, how much mockeries he met, but faith was stronger, that’s hard to walk by faith because God wanted us to believe in what we can’t see this often means that we walk in the path of dark “Who walks in darkness, and has no light, let him trust in the name of the Lord and rely upon his God “(Isaiah 50:10). ![]() Prayer: God, you know that my feelings have become confused, calls to you that this situation is terrible and that there is no hope, my God my hope is you and I can’t see what you do, but I am sure that you are working to devolve this case for good for me, All my worriers you know how to deal with it, better than me definitely, “I thank you because you promised that you use me to make me more like you” and this is all what I want, and with that I am not in good condition today, give me strength to focus my eyes upon you, and don’t lose my faith by what I see. |