القديس سيدهم بشاى sidhom beshai
On the seventh day of the tenth month of generosity in 1561 u, March 15, 1844 Memorial Church celebrates the martyrdom of St. Lord tea brother teacher Solomon tea Writer Office of Damietta Governorate. False accusation of timber merchant was a loophole in Alexandria, was attending twice in each year or more to purchase timber that had come through the gaps in Damietta. Happened to shake wooden roof of the church of Mar Girgis Hustler existing town dot the table drinking, and was head of St. deacons and loves to visit the old churches. Interested organizations and provides for reform of the church and fully renovated ship timber. The side that has been a permanent presence of the prayers that are held Marjirjis Church in Damietta. Happen that friction with a person of non-Christians on his way to church, meaning that prevent him from going to it, but the teacher is not concerned about the Lord tea with his words aroused indignation of this evil authorities at some boys hit her with curses. That happened over the Mufti private town at that time the knowledge of prosecutors to the teacher Lord tea false allegations. Having won their complaint in the same Mufti signed desired became angry and said: "How can you say that men underestimate the Christian religion, Islam and their Prophet affect the addressee" He went from that clique and two witnesses went to court, and disabilities, dear Lord Advocate at tea teacher, who was a man reaches the age of More than forty years, a remarkable dream and loving your chest for all not expected to mouth, including claimed by him. Tortured court ordered corpus, in the course of passing on the road had been beaten and insulted by everyone encountered even appeared before the judge, who was sharp all kinds of torment I took the crowd by beating him with sticks siege painful, and felt the void in his head and spit in his face, even absent from the consciousness. The encounter that saw him in this case, one of his brothers and Copts had such a prominent place in the town, and KANUPP teacher named Ibrahim Farah, were moving to the jealousy of his brother said to them: "Stop the puppy and then blow on his face also" As a teacher attended the Lord before a judge for the second time sentenced To enter into Islam or killing takes off shoes and beaten on his face until I asked him and left him bloodshed between births and stillbirths. Finally, put in prison, court, and then today Mkhova in that city did not even come when one of the Christians to spend their business. In the third day brought the promise bound in restraints and then promised not submitting to their opinion. Then enter the Court of preserving beating, humiliation and to bring the crowds. He was sentenced to the governor, including a judge sentenced former blow five hundred Jabor and dragged him on his face from the top of ladders to maintain maim and bottom hand, and posed on the ground and took the puppy in the street and then brought in the agency have gone by. On the fourth day also returned the ball where Erwa naked and mocked by having his body fat and shot me point of control and put the beard of the Red Wood duration of control, passed by this situation in all the streets of the city that the stadium was reckless at the time, and in front of audiences and drums bands and dance are Whipping sticks, shoes and even meat emerged from his body and was in all that patient. It had prayed saying: "Oh pure - you, Jesus." And passed by the warm Christians that the church now and have started stoning the homes of Christians stones, and also houses agencies and consuls aroused indignation complaint to the Governments of their countries. And finally dragged him to the point of going to the house of his brother Solomon tea Monia a hand fingertips Damietta, and one attends tar boiled on the fire in the extent and posts to his body from above his head. Virgin Mary console was one of the sons of his brother and his name is Malika standing, his uncle asked him, saying: "I have a woman standing quickly and it brought a chair to sit down," Malika did not see anyone. As is the club had blossomed and says it "Oh tender", and were mocked by saying: "Look, calling his wife." Although the men charged had not been heeded to get upset calibration. Finally, however, acknowledge the spirit of pure virgin St. that appeared to him alone when exit spirit, and this was after five days of torture. Lifting the Red publicly on the impact of this incident Consuls States wrote to all European governments to what happened, sent to the gaps in Damietta steamers armed hostilities, soldiers entered the city. But the Khedive faster delegates sent him to investigate and calm down consuls, and ended up PUNISHING judge and the governor and stripped with those who were involved in torturing him. The calming of hearts is Khedive, who was at that time one of the sons of Muhammad Ali Pasha to attend the funeral of the martyr Lord tea officially as stated publicly by the lifting of the Cross, as the lifting of the Christian churches in funerals. They brought his body happened Tahar Splendid great and put him in a coffin covered with zinc panels at the expense of the state, and the celebration to bury all communities, priests and unambiguous priestly clothes, and walked in the streets of the city, carrying flags and deacons Cross, who came to pray for the church. Then buried in the tomb of a special church land that was originally Cemetery Copts, have seen the night of burial pillar of light shining on his grave, was attended by many of the soil and taken to the grave blessing Former him. Finally, a body of the martyr Church of the great martyr Marjirjis Damietta, and they occurred in 1565 in u wanted to expand the church building was forced to transfer the body of the martyr and putting in place special was in the south-west of the church with the body of the teacher KANUPP Faraj and the rest of their families, the body remained there until in 1968. And every year they give it to commemorate the anniversary of his martyrdom, that was the day that honors the Lord wanted St., the Commission DAMIETTA Church blessed the transfer of the body inside the church dish. Alkalinity great ceremony and put him in exclusive special church. This was during the era of His Eminence Pope holy Patriarch Anba Cyril VI of 116. There is also one of the fingers of the right Shahid tube placed Church of Our Lady Mary Dirout. Wonders of God in this St. emerged from the many wonders of this St., including the Rosary was in the hands of the martyr after being transferred presented a gift to His Eminence Anba Agabios, which had been blessed by launching the body, so he wanted one of the brothers to scramble out, and when he had taken from the father of Bishop are Taking part thereof, showed him the Saint did not know that Lord Mar tea, but he saw a man tall in front of him ordering him to return rosary owner and repent what he intended it. Father returned to the bishop and recognized what was taking blessings. Once one of the priests entered the church to which patients to scramble body martyr ago to be leaving the door had the sale was innocent of illness. He has many other miracles for many people of the city and visitors to the church. This has provided limited gift of one martyr who manufacture them St. miracle. His prayers are with us, Amen. Alsncasar, 17 prayers, this vine St. be with us all the great