“Wherever the grace of the Archangels overshadows, thence the devil is banished”
“Wherever the grace of the Archangels overshadows, thence the devil is banished”, says the doxastikon of the feast. You don’t do justice to yourself when you struggle simply relying on your own abilities. What will you accomplish? No matter how strong you think you are, because at some point God may have given you the power to be, you can do nothing by yourself.
A Christian can’t be without Christ’s grace, without Christ. And when he rests or works, or, all the more so, when he has to deal with enemies or hardship, if he is aware he’s never alone, but together with God, if he forgets himself and entrusts himself to the grace, if the archangel isn’t prevented from being with him, then the power of the dark devil is banished at once. Just as the darkness disappears when the light appears.