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قديم 26 - 02 - 2017, 07:56 PM
الصورة الرمزية Ramez5
Ramez5 Male
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  Ramez5 غير متواجد حالياً  
الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 1
تـاريخ التسجيـل : May 2012
العــــــــمـــــــــر : 50
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : Cairo - Egypt
المشاركـــــــات : 42,611

Is Obeying Hard for You There's Hope

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me.

"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. John 15:5,6

I was so concerned, this morning, that in sharing the 'vision' for what your life could be as you take to heart the requirement to obey the Lord that God has given us, that you might be feeling overwhelmed...

It is true that we must obey.. and are expected to obey every minute of the day.. and that there is great fellowship with the Lord when we do.. but that we can't. However, there is a solution and it's an amazing one, which is why I am so joyful today and want to share that joy with you. Is Obeying Hard for You There's Hope

Murray describes the problem so perfectly. God expects our full and complete obedience! Indeed, he wants perfect daily obedience. Yet he also assures us that we cannot nor will we EVER be able to obey consistently, apart from His grace. That's what Romans 7:24 comes from. Paul was stuck with this seeming paradox and it wasn't just a 'theological' paradox--he was just downright miserable in the sense of being plagued by the presence of the sin nature. He was not living in sin.. but he had to deal with the sin nature daily as do we all.

7:23-25 This passage does not represent the apostle as one that walked after the flesh, but as one that had it greatly at heart, not to walk so. Matthew Henry
The solution is simple.. yet profound.

Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! Romans 7:25

This morning, I just wanted to share the joy that is in my heart and to give to you, as much as I am able, what the Lord has so graciously given me--true freedom from living under the power of sin. Not that I never sin, but the Lord has changed me from the inside out and will change you too, if you let him--his way.

By the grace of an powerful and all loving God, I experience daily freedom from self-pity, anger, laziness, procrastination, sharp words, temper, gossip... tons of stuff. That is not to say that I couldn't give in to any of this. It's all part of my sin nature as it has ever been.. but I sit back in amazement.. with my mouth sometimes gaping wide open at the transformation.. because though I could never stop any of that.. the Lord did and does every day.

However it's no permanent fix. To the degree that I seek the Lord and rest in Him.. I experience the Holy Spirit's 'carrying' and keeping of my life. I don't try hard not to do those things any more. I don't try at all. Never. The Lord just keeps me from feeling that way or giving in to those things.

My focus is on loving Jesus and spending time with Him in fellowship, prayer and worship.. reading his word and if I do one of those things.. repenting and then leaving the rest in His hands. I don't worry about the fruit of the Spirit. That's a by-product. I don't really worry about anything at all except willfully sinning against the promptings of the Holy Spirit. And in a sense I don't worry about that either--I pray more instead.

If I find myself doing that--and I have.. in the area of eating--then I seek the Lord more and trust he will help me to say no to that temptation. I rest in the fact that he will strengthen me to say no to temptation. In fact, I'm experiencing a lot of victory in this area too. Thank you Dear Lord for that! It's just I didn't realize that I still held on to a little self-will in this area.. and needed to give it up. I will never say 'no' to food apart from his grace. I could never do it. But I am now.. and it's cause the power is there to do so.

Every day the Lord shows me more sin (through his word and by the Holy Spirit).. that I didn't know was there. But much of the obvious 'outward' sin, he has just wiped away. It's his life that I get to enjoy and it's a great gift as my life is so sinful! I'm the most selfish, self-indulgent, self-pitying, and even angry person I know. So you see what a miracle it is that I don't live under that any more. I was the most astonished person involved here when I first realized that ''Hey.. something strange is going on around here!" lol That was back at the beginning of this blog.

I was just seeking the Lord as a desperate measure to break free from an addiction and the Lord was the only one I thought could possibly rescue me. I started reading the bible as a last ditch effort because of these two verses.

But seek ( aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness ( His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides. Matt. 6:33

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6

I had heard it quoted often that if you read God's word.. it would do something. So I believed that much in my dark state and mind. It was enough.

The real light bulb moment was when I realized I'd been turning to anything and everything to make me happy (including my husband) instead of to Jesus. That day was a defining moment. I turned to Jesus to make me happy--very hard indeed! When I did--he did and he changed me.

I must say though, that I'm not so astonished now.. because the Lord just kept carrying me.. day in and day out. And He keeps carrying me.

But I also keep seeking Him. He isn't just the 'priority'--He's my life. By his grace (thanks only to you Dear Lord) I don't spend 'ten minutes' with Him--I spend a lot of time.. but it's not important to know how much--only that He has become the center of my life and I work the rest around Him--not the other way around. If I hadn't been so addicted, I doubt it would have taken so much time.

In case you think--oh her children are grown--she's got tons of time. Well--that comes and goes. lol I can tell you that as my circumstances change, demands change. I have to get up earlier and go to bed earlier to get the time I feel I need with Him. (PS. Two adult kids at home now and a third moving back in December.)

On really busy days, and I have many of those, I might not get so much morning time, but I take those 'surprise moments' of unexpected time, just to get more. I even keep a small bible in the glove compartment--and a tiny one in my purse. Is Obeying Hard for You There's Hope That way, I can make good use of those little moments. How God has changed my heart. It so was not that way before!

Any time is better than none at all. Once you start seeking Jesus.. you find he's so wonderful.. that you want more fellowship. Is Obeying Hard for You There's Hope How I was inspired to give God more from a thought from Gospel Growth--the idea of 'wasting time with God'. What a glorious idea.. and when you grasp that.. wow.. you will be amazed! If you need more help in your walk, this book will take you step by step through the process the Lord has taken me.

I have found, as so many of you I see on facebook have found, that the Lord will work the rest of your day out just fine, if you seek Him first. Is Obeying Hard for You There's Hope I see your love for Jesus.. and your joy.. and I know I am only one of a joyful crowd of 'branches' who seem to be discovering or rediscovering the joy of loving Jesus.. and experiencing the thrilling amazement of a changed life as a result. How it makes me smile!!

Andrew Murray's book, Absolute Surrender, can explain, what I am afraid I explain very inadequately indeed, how to be 'kept' from sin on a moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day basis.
Freedom from sin is a natural by-product
of a heart focused on loving Jesus.
Focus on Him.. not on the sin.

Dear friends.. We can never conquer our sinful ways! Whether it's sharp words, selfishness, bad temper, gossip, self-indulgence, pride, envy, laziness, procrastination, self-pity, greed, immoral thoughts.. they are all way too much for you or me to deal with.

I love how Mr. Murray describes us.. little helpless branches... little worms. How joyous that description is and how true! We are so so so weak! If you think you are not.. then you need to ask the Lord to show you. Well, just try to stop doing any one of the above sins and it'll be obvious. lol

But do you know that that is the only way in the world to ever experience freedom from the flesh?

Abiding in the vine.. taking time to be with Jesus and complete reliance on the Holy Spirit to carry you and keep you is the only way to be free from a sinful nature.

When you come to the end of yourself and your exhausting efforts to 'be good' and 'do right', you are just where you need to be to receive the aid of the Holy Spirit and to be open to letting the Lord Jesus live His life through you.

If you take the time to seek the Lord, to get to know Him, and ask him to help you love him with your whole heart, he will reward your seeking! Just keep coming to Him..giving him first place in your heart and your life.. and he will change you.

A branch has only one thing to do - stay attached to the vine.

The vine does all the work-- soaking up the sunshine, rain, nutrition, processing it all into strength for the branch.. and one day, fruit will appear!

If you are tired of trying to 'produce fruit'..
then by all means stop. Seek the Lord instead. Is Obeying Hard for You There's Hope

Get up as early as you have to, or turn off the computer or tv and retreat. If you need Hubby to watch the babies, then ask him to. Tell him it's an investment in a 'happy wife'. How my heart goes out to mommies of small babies--I know how hard it is! And to hubbies with their long days and long commutes--turn your radios on .. and tune in to the gospel radio lol (just had to throw in that old old song-heehee)

Anyone who works in an outside job and has a commute.. has a good solid hour--maybe more... to spend with Jesus. I used to do so much driving. I listened to bible cd's, worship music, and prayed. It was awesome! Dear Hubby is doing that now. We are about to order a bible cd and some Christian classics for him to listen to on the way to work and back. He is really feeling so refreshed in his walk since he started listening to Charles Stanley and Focus on the Family on his hour long commutes to work and back each day.

If you have 10 minutes of spare time.. give it to Jesus and you will get back far more than you ever dreamed.. and it will bless everyone around you. If you think you don't have time for that, then probably you need to chuck something from your life. Remember.. it's not 'your life' anyway.. it's His. Is Obeying Hard for You There's Hope

He is waiting and knocking at the door of your heart and will make you able to do what you cannot do but long to do, if you look to Him instead of trying so hard to do it yourself.

He never asked you to obey in your own strength..only in His. You know you are relying on him, when you are able to stop sinning. That's the 'indicator' that you aren't relying on yourself any more.

If you could think of bad attitudes, sinful habits, and selfishness more as an 'indicator' of your spiritual state, rather than sins you need to 'stop doing', you would have a better idea of what is going on.

If you see these things, seek the Lord more. Keep coming to Him every time you fall. Remember he forgives 70 x 7 and more than that too! The more you seek Him and spend time with him, the less you will sin. But whenever you sin, and confess and repent, he will always forgive. Is Obeying Hard for You There's Hope

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]

Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest ( relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls. Matt. 11:28-29

Love you dear readers and praying for you today!

Dear Lord, If any one reading this week, is feeling overwhelmed.. or wretched because they cannot do what their soul desires, open their eyes to see what you showed me eight months ago.. that you expect them to obey.. but not in their own power. That you love them! Help them to give up trying.. and just start seeking you.. your person... your presence. Woo their hearts away from the busy-ness of daily life, the easy pleasure of entertainment, and the heavy burden of living the Christian life in their own strength. Bring them to the end of their own efforts soon so they too can enter into your rest and experience a bit of heaven on earth! Then our church members will be fruitful.. and full of joy. Revive us O Lord! Amen
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 27 - 02 - 2017, 12:41 PM   رقم المشاركة : ( 2 )
Mary Naeem Female
† Admin Woman †

الصورة الرمزية Mary Naeem

الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 9
تـاريخ التسجيـل : May 2012
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : Egypt
المشاركـــــــات : 1,264,674

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Mary Naeem متواجد حالياً

افتراضي رد: Is Obeying Hard for You There's Hope

Thanks Ramez
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