Although Saul never stopped pursuing him with the intent to kill him, David never raised a hand against his king and God’s anointed (1 Samuel 19:1–2; 24:5–7). When Saul eventually died, David mourned (2 Samuel 1). Even knowing that he was God's anointed, David did not force his way to the throne. He respected God's sovereignty and honored the authorities God had currently in place, trusting that God would fulfill His will in His timing.
While on the run, David raised up a mighty army and with power from God defeated everyone in his path, always asking God first for permission and instructions before going into battle, a practice he would continue as king (1 Samuel 23:2–6; 9–13; 2 Samuel 5:22-23). Once king, David remained a powerful military commander and soldier. Second Samuel 23 recounts some of the exploits of David's so-called "mighty men." God honored and rewarded David’s obedience and gave him success in everything he did (2 Samuel 8:6).