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رقم المشاركة : ( 1 )
The Lord gave me several messages to share with you, and I was praying for the Holy Spirit to guide me in choosing one of them. I was busy these days reading a booklet by the servant of the Lord, " Joyce Meyer ", with the title Tell them I love them, and I felt the Holy Spirit urging me to summarize this booklet and to transmit through it the message that the Lord wants to say to each one of you today, which is: I Love You. I truly believe that as the Lord dealt with me through this booklet, He will deal with you too if you let Him. Now lift your heart to the Lord in prayer for a moment, then start meditating in these words and allow Him to love you. Introduction: What people need today is a personal revelation from God about His love for them, and I personally believe that this kind of revelation is the basis on which lays the victorious life of each believer, for we do not need to stuff our minds with information about God’s love, rather what we need is a revelation of this love that only the Holy Spirit can give to each one of us. After long years of confusion, I was able to understand and recognize God’s love. God has abundantly revealed to me through the Holy Spirit His love for me, and I say to you that this revelation has completely changed my life and my walk with God. God loves you: Each person is born with a longing need to be loved by others. God created us that way, and many believe that God loves the world and loves Jesus, but they find it difficult to accept God’s love for them. The bible teaches us that God loves us the same way He loved Jesus. Yes.. He loves you as He has loved Jesus: “… and You have loved them as You have loved Me.” (John 17:23). The book of Deuteronomy 7:9 says “Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.” Many believe that they have tired God because of their repetitive failure and falling, but this is not the truth, for love is never weary, and remember that love is not something God does but it is His nature. God loves the worst of sinners who are living on the earth, He even loves those who spit on Him declaring that they do not want Him in their life and that they are happy to go to hell, so how can He not love His own children who consecrated their life to fulfill His will? Am I worthy? God does not wait for you to do things you are not able to do, but He is able to change you if you are willing to say: “Yes, Lord I was wrong and You were always right. I have tried but I cannot change things.” Then, God will intervene because He knows that you are unable to change for better without His help. And He is saying: Come and take all that is mine, for God is granting His strength and love to those who want them today. He has what is required to fill your need, and He wants to give it to you, and the reason is that He loves you, not because you deserve it, for He knows that you are unable to do anything to become worthy, but He wants to give you all things because He loves you. Do you know what God wants from you today? He wants you to accept His love for you and to open your heart to receive it. I suggest that you assign the coming year to enjoy God’s love for you. Stop relying on your own strength to walk by faith, become again like a little child, crawl until you get to the Father’s lap, and allow Him to show you His love. You cannot love God if you don’t allow Him to love you first. For when you realize God’s love for you, you trust Him and His faithfulness; and God will inundate your life with blessings if you allow Him to love you. He will fill you with faith, give you victory over sin, healing, comfort and joy; all these if you allow Him to love you. But one often reverse the truth believing that he has to love God to get all this, when he has to let God love him first. I don’t believe that you are able to express your love to God, if you don’t allow Him first to love you. Love, Trust and Faith: “For (if we were) in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love.” (Galatians 5:6). The majority spends most of their time trying to have faith, because they know that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6), this is why they strive and make every effort to have more faith. But faith springs from the heart, and we only receive it through our relationship, love and fellowship with God. I cannot teach you faith, but I can teach you its principles and make you thirst for it, so you take hold of it and make the impossible to get it. This can only be achieved by a revelation from the Lord himself. This is why stop your heroic efforts to get faith and please God, and spend this time and effort with God and His love. Just spend your day expressing your love to Him, allowing Him to reveal His love to you. You cannot trust God, if you don’t know deeply that He loves you. For if you knew the measure of God’s love for you, you wouldn’t have encountered a problem accepting His healing, nor accepting that He meets your financial needs. The reason for your refusal of those things is your lack of trust and faith in that the Lord will give them to you, and you may also be saying: I really want to believe that but I don’t know how. The love of the Lord is living in your heart. You have to realize and confess that when He reveals it to you, for the bible says: “We love Him because He first loved us.” (1 John 4:19). It is then impossible to love God without first being certain of His love for you. God loves you so much, this is why you can believe Him and trust Him in all things. For He loves you very much, this is why He knows your needs and will meet them. For, if you don’t believe that God will meet them, you cannot walk by faith and get anything. The faith that works through love. Faith works through God’s love for you, and not by your own ability to love others. We try often to get things from the wrong source, but we cannot get anything through our works, and we will not get God’s blessing because of our deeds, but because of God’s love for us. For, just as we received salvation as a free gift we will also receive the blessing. Faith is to cast all your cares on the Lord trusting in His power, wisdom and righteousness, for when you allow the Lord to love you, you will learn to love and trust Him and you will have faith in Him. God loves you!!! Deliverance from fear: “There is no fear in love (there is no possibility for fear); but perfect (mature) love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love (he didn’t get to the stage of complete maturity in love).” (1 John 4:18). We usually walk by faith without a problem certain in the love of God for us, until we face some attacks from Satan and our circumstances change suddenly. For when things are fine we don’t have a problem in having faith in God, until circumstances change and our faith is stolen. And those circumstances are those misfortunes we are exposed to that make us doubt in the love of God for us. Then Satan will come with fear and condemnation and put a separation between us and the only thing that can set us free, and that is the love of God, so he tries to make us doubt in His love for us saying: “But, what about this subject? You thought that God loved you, but if He really did love you why did He allow those things to happen? You sure committed a sin, and God must be very angry with you.” Then we will lose our trust in God, and consequently He will not be able to help us if we do not restore this trust. For if we do not know well the measure of the love of God for us, we surrender to the fear and doubt that Satan puts in our heart toward the love of God, we are not able to trust God and to have our heart filled with faith in Him. It is impossible for us to fear if the Lord has declared His love to us in a special way. Love overflows on others: “And this commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother also.” (1 John 4:21). If you want to live victoriously search in your spirit for victory and rebuke Satan saying: “Satan, you have managed to deceive me for a long time with you lies and fears, but now I have realized that I am a chosen son of God, and I will have victory in Jesus name, because God loves me and there is nothing you can do against that.” Do you know the secret behind my lack of anxiety from failing and coming to the front? I do not fear because I know that God loves me, and He knows that I love Him, and I put my life in His hands. If you did this, and if you love God and know that He loves you, there isn’t a problem on earth that you cannot overcome. “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written: ‘For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.’ Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:35-39). There are many things we ask for that God does not give us, because we are busy with the thought of obtaining them without stopping to take what we asked for. God wants us to allow Him to love us, and he will give us what we want. Do not concentrate all your spiritual energy in thinking about yourself and meeting your needs. Just tell God about your needs in a fast and simple way, then increase your faith by meeting the needs of others. Jesus used to pray to the Father and ask His face until He could go out to the people who came after Him believing in Him and He was meeting their needs and filling them. It is very easy to love a person who reciprocates the same feelings without making any effort, even the worst sinner can do this, but you make a big effort when you love people that are not loved and you keep on loving them, then the love of God that they see through you can change them. This matter can take a year may be, or may be five, or even 25 years, but it is worth waiting for, for how long did Jesus wait for you? God loves you and He also loves all the people around you, whether they are saved or sinners, God loves them all and He wants to use you to be the channel through which His love will pass to those people. Therefore, do not be afraid, the love of God will set you free from fear and condemnation. Do not forget that God gave you the ability to love others, and persist in spreading this love around you wherever you go. Start by making friendships with people around you, let this be your main concern, and be a blessing to the members of the body of Christ. Invite people to dinner or to visit you, greet them and smile to them, for God has a plan for your life and He wants to use you to do a work that no other one on earth can do but you. For, there are people that no one else can reach with the gospel of Christ but you. This is why you should ask God to show you the way to show His love to them, and be sure that He will answer your prayer. The love of God will change your life: “For this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” (1 John 4:10). Despite the fact that we always say that God loves us, many do not know the measure of the love of God for them. The Lord taught me trough this study, that if we really grasp in our spirit the measure of God’s love for us, we would become different persons than who we are now. God wants to meet you every day until your life changes, and if you don’t put God first, you are putting Him in a place where He cannot do what He wants for your life. For when you set a time to spend in the presence of God to declare your love to Him and you let Him love you, you will grow and be strengthened spiritually in your inner being. Beloved: it’s not by coincidence that the Lord put this great message in our hands. When the sick goes to the doctor, and he prescribes some medicine for him to take, he immediately buys it and starts taking it because he wants to be healed, especially if his disease is serious and painful. And today the Lord has prescribed the medicine for all our problems.. yes all our problems.. for we all have read and filled our minds with the love of God for us and the world, but I don’t think that those who have really experienced the love of the Lord are many.. Therefore, let’s cry to the Lord with all our hearts this morning, so that each one of us will really experience the unconditional love of God through a personal revelation from the Holy Spirit who came on earth especially for that. Moreover, I advise everyone to persevere and not to leave the Lord, nor to stop their prayers, before they experience this love. It will change all the circumstances of your life, and will make you a different person, and will take you to the Lord’s rest, and will cast out all fear and insecurity, and will fill your life with the joy and the peace that you’ve always waited for. To the Lord be all the glory!!! |