10 - 05 - 2013, 06:37 PM
† Admin Woman †
لا تخف لاني فديتك
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انت لي
اش 43: 1
 Fear not, for I have redeemed you
I have called you by your name;
you are Mine.
(Isa. 43: 1)
ليتنا نجتمع معًا بضمائرنا في اتفاق
ونصرخ إليه بغيرة كما بفم واحد،
فنشترك في مواعيده العظيمة المجيدة.
القديس اكليمندس الرومإني Let us therefore, conscientiously
gathering together in harmony,
cry to Him earnestly, as with one mouth,
that we may be made partakers of
His great and glorious promises.
(St. Clement of Rome)