04 - 02 - 2020, 03:59 PM
† Admin Woman †
It’s not enough to say: “I have found Christ..”
When you believe in Christ, when you are a member of the Church, when your concern is the Kingdom of God, when you long for it and fight the good fight, but, in the end, you keep something of yourself which you do not surrender to Christ, you will be left outside the Kingdom of God. And this is such a pity.
It’s not enough for someone to simply say: “I have found Christ and I believe in Christ”. If you are not in the Church, if you do not find Christ through the Church, you have not found the true Christ.
The moment you want to do something right, a different kind of force comes out of you driving you to do something else, unwanted by you. And you do what’s wrong. This is why man must not trust how he feels or thinks. Obedience makes us wise because we overcome our strong negative feelings, our personal weaknesses, our peculiarities and imperfections.
Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos (†)