25 - 10 - 2019, 02:53 PM
† Admin Woman †
What does The Lord expect from us?
We’re making a big mistake when we don’t pay attention to what Christ says but simply wait for what ourselves will dictate. “Do you feel like praying now? You should go to pray. Do you feel like go- ing to Church now? You should go to Church. Do you feel like reading now? Do you feel, let’s say, like applying some command of Christ now?” Yes, you do, but only because you like it, only because it suits you to do it. You haven’t made up your mind to do it because Christ says so, regardless of whether you are able or not.
Don’t be afraid, though. Let the enemy, the old man, pull you, let even your whole self pull you to- wards negative situations, towards the opposite di- rection. Don’t ever pay attention to it. Don’t be af- fected by how you feel.
That’s the holiest thing. And it is something that the Lord expects you to do, in order for Him to do the greater work, everything.
Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos (†)