21 - 05 - 2017, 07:59 PM
† Admin Woman †
- Far away among the angels,
In the sweet celestial bow’rs,
Start the songs whose echoes gladden
As they greet this world of ours. - Refrain:
Hear the echoes filled with glory,
From the bright angelic throng;
Oh, the pure seraphic music
Finds an echo in our song,
While it gently rolls along.
- How they stir the soul with rapture!
How they thrill the chords of love!
How they wake the songs of praises,
Floating up to worlds above!
- Far away in worlds of glory,
We can hear the music sweet,
Where the streams of life are flowing
All along the golden street.
- Far away in fields of glory
We shall meet, and God adore;
And the sweet redemption story
We shall sing forevermore.