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Mary Naeem 12 - 06 - 2023 05:31 PM

In searching for man, God used many different means

Pope Shenouda III


In searching for man, God used many different means among which some were frightening, reproaching, convincing, showing kindness and punishment. The most important thing to Him is to reach man's heart and find Himself a place there. God's pleasure is man's love. He wants to rest in man's heart.
We also notice that God does not leave man to his absolute freedom, not to the extent of disregarding him, caring not for his destiny, . He does not say to man: "If you come, all right, and if you do not come, as you like!" No, rather, He says: "if you do not come to Me, I will seek you, run after you, search for you and hold you, and I will keep on doing so until I restore you." God's head wishes to rest in the fatigued heart of man in order to give him rest and turn his fatigue into comfort.

الساعة الآن 05:42 AM

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