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-   -   Do you rejoice greatly, Jonah, over the plant (https://www.chjoy.com/vb/showthread.php?t=964624)

Mary Naeem 10 - 06 - 2023 06:19 PM

Do you rejoice greatly, Jonah, over the plant

Pope Shenouda III

Do you rejoice greatly, Jonah, over the plant which gave shade to your head and did not even hardly rejoice, but rather became angry, at God's mercy which overshadowed one hundred and twenty thousand persons? Would it not have been more appropriate that you should rejoice thus over the salvation of Nineveh?
You rejoiced over the plant because you thought of your own personal comfort, of your self, and not of the kingdom of God on earth. And it pleased God to gladden you after your own heart to show you that He cares for you and deals with you not according to your deeds but according to the abundance of His loving kindness. God descends to your materialistic level to raise you up to the spiritual level befitting a prophet. He deals with you with such compassion whilst you are sinful to sow in your heart compassion for sinners. Thus He cures your obduracy and unmercifulness towards the Ninevites.

الساعة الآن 09:28 AM

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