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-   -   Could it be that Jonah said only this single sentence (https://www.chjoy.com/vb/showthread.php?t=963243)

Mary Naeem 06 - 06 - 2023 06:05 PM

Could it be that Jonah said only this single sentence

Could it be that Jonah said only this single sentence? Was it sufficient to save the city and cause that tremendous effect?

Previously, Lot had said of Sodom: "The Lord will destroy this city!" (Gen. 19:14), yet no one was affected and no one repented. The people heard of the Flood that was going to destroy the whole earth, and saw the Arc being built before their very eyes, yet no one repented and they were all destroyed. Many a time did the warning of death fail! Adam himself heard the warning: "you shall surely die", yet that warning did not prevent him from sinning.

الساعة الآن 11:07 PM

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