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Mary Naeem 21 - 09 - 2020 05:05 PM

Conscience the voice of God
Conscience the voice of God

Elder Efraim of Arizona

Every night, review how you passed the day, and in the morning review how the night passed, so that you know how your soul’s accounts are doing. If you see a loss, try to regain it through caution and forcefulness. If you see a profit, glorify God, your invisible helper.
Do not let your conscience prick you for long, but quickly give it whatever it wants, lest it take you to the judge and the prison.

1 Does your conscience want you to attend to your prayer rule and regain prayer? Give it these things, and behold, you are delivered from going to the judge. Do not weaken the saving voice of your conscience by disregarding it, because later you will regret it to no avail.
1 cf. Mt. 5:25
From the book
Councels from the Holy mountain
Selected from the letters and homilies of Elder Efraim of Arizona

الساعة الآن 06:54 AM

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