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sama smsma 14 - 06 - 2018 07:30 PM

The mass in the Coptic church explains the doctrine of the fall of Adam
The mass in the Coptic church explains the doctrine of the fall of Adam ...

the church believes that what happened in the garden of Eden caused the corruption and the sin of the whole humanity....
This is explained in:
1- The Basil mass:
“Death which entered into the world through the envy of the devil” (which means that the death is intruder... the man was not created to die)
“When we disobeyed your commandment by the deceit of the serpent, we fell from the eternal life and we exiled from the paradise of joy” (which means that it’s not only Adam who disobeyed the commandment but us too ... and till now)
2- the Gregorian mass:
“When he fell through the deception of the enemy and the disobedience of your holy commandment”
Here we confirm that sin and corruption have a devil role and a human role... but God has nothing to do with the wrong.... The sin entered our life because the man is free and the devil wanted him to sin.
We notice that St Basil and St Gregor didn’t say Adam but said the man .... so when someone says: we have nothing to do with Adam then we have to doubt his orthodox faith...
God created the man .. and the man sinned ...
God formed him without corruption yet death entered through the envy of the devil...
Adam is a real personality ... and we all exist in Adam.... the story is the story of all of us ..
"I plucked for myself the sentence of death”
If you object to these concepts, you don’t have the right to have communion because you pray after the priest who says that...this implies that you say Amen after each word.... because this is your doctrine and the doctrine of your church.

Mary Naeem 18 - 06 - 2018 12:55 PM

ÑÏ: The mass in the Coptic church explains the doctrine of the fall of Adam
Thanks SOSO

walaa farouk 18 - 06 - 2018 01:00 PM

ÑÏ: The mass in the Coptic church explains the doctrine of the fall of Adam
Thanks samsama

ÇáÓÇÚÉ ÇáÂä 12:13 AM

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