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sama smsma 21 - 01 - 2018 10:45 AM

The Bible that comforts you, makes you cry

The Bible that comforts you, makes you cry...
The Bible that makes you happy, makes you ashamed....
The word of God- when you accept it- encourages you, rejoices and comforts you....
*When it really penetrates within you, it strengthens your will and encourages you to take out all the sin inside you

Fr Daoud Lamei

walaa farouk 21 - 01 - 2018 11:38 AM

رد: The Bible that comforts you, makes you cry
Beautiful say

Mary Naeem 22 - 01 - 2018 01:29 PM

رد: The Bible that comforts you, makes you cry
Thanks Sama

الساعة الآن 03:23 PM

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