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Ramez5 26 - 02 - 2017 04:11 PM

What 'Real' Christians Look Like

15 Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a peck measure, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house.
16 Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your Father Who is in heaven. Matt. 5:15-16

When people see you.. are you different? Are your life experience.. your choices.. your words.. your reactions...your joys.. your appearance.. and your face substantially different from that of the world?

Honestly, for much of my life.. I'm not sure I could say that. The joy.. the victory over sinful attitudes.. the selflessness.. was simply not there. But now I know, there is a better way!

When you accept the Lord's free gift of salvation, repent of your sin daily, seek the Lord diligently, and ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit.. and you truly submit to his direction, obeying him as Lord, He changes everything about you!

How I regret not making him the center of my life long ago. He started out at the center but somewhere along the way.. I lost sight of Him. I was living for myself.. not for Him.

I was living by the 'rules' but not enjoying true joy ..or walking in the spirit. I doubt you could tell much difference between me and the rest of the world. Outwardly I might have looked different.. but in terms of heart attitude.. I would say I was about the same.

Here's what one bible commentary says..

Barnes' Notes on the Bible
Let your light so shine ... - Let your holy life, your pure conversation, and your faithful instructions, be everywhere seen and known. Always, in all societies, in all business, at home and abroad, in prosperity and adversity, let it be seen that you are real Christians.

That they may see your good works - The proper motive to influence us is not simply that we may be seen (compare Matthew 6:1), but it should be that our heavenly Father may be glorified. The Pharisees acted to be seen of men, true Christians act to glorify God, and care little what people may think of them, except as by their conduct others may he brought to honor God, yet they should so live that people may see from their conduct what is the proper nature of their religion.

Glorify your Father - Praise, or honor God, or be led to worship him. Seeing in your lives the excellency of religion, and the power and purity of the gospel, they may be won to be Christians also, and give praise and glory to God for his mercy to a lost world.

How grateful I am that the Lord brought me to my knees yet again.. giving me a chance to spend the rest of my life truly living with Him in the center of my heart.

When the Lord saves us, fills us with his Holy Spirit.. and sets us free from the bondage of sin.. our lives truly will be different than the world. No lost person could not see that difference.. and wonder.

When they ask, "How are you able to live this way? We can tell them, “It is only by God’s grace. You too can have this joy, freedom, peace..Jesus died to save us and sanctify us!”

Truly.. this is the most amazing picture ever.. each of us shining the light of Christ..in a way that blows the mind of people living in the normal state of things.

Dear Lord, May we be so ‘in love with you’.. seeking You so closely.. learning to obey so faithfully.. that you will truly be glorified by the evidence of your life living through us. May you help me be even bolder in declaring the good news.. that you came to save us sinners!

Mary Naeem 27 - 02 - 2017 01:26 PM

رد: What 'Real' Christians Look Like
Thanks Ramez

walaa farouk 27 - 02 - 2017 03:24 PM

رد: What 'Real' Christians Look Like
Thanks Ramez

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