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Ramez5 19 - 12 - 2014 10:12 AM

Jesus and the Father are One
Jesus and the Father are One

Jesus has authority over all of us; we need the Father and Son to bring us into eternal life, which is knowing Him. God the Father and Jesus his Son continue working. They are together and show the principles by what they do.

Jesus is the only true way to eternal life with God the Father. He is One with the Father, speaking and living the principles of God since they live in each other, as the miracles show.

They who love good and can see that Jesus is doing good as God does good, will be protected from destruction by Jesus, who is one with God the Father Almighty/Creator. They will bring God into their life when they believe in Jesus, who they see and assess as doing the good of God, including miracles showing He is one with the Father.

Believers will do what Jesus did and have His joy. Jesus loves and lives in them, and so does God the Father and the Holy Spirit. The Father and the Son will be in us, and us in them.

Jesus and the Father are one; the Father will protect us to keep His people one with each other.

Jesus is giving us all His joy

Mary Naeem 19 - 12 - 2014 01:14 PM

رد: Jesus and the Father are One
Thanks ' Ramez

joulia 20 - 12 - 2014 02:39 PM

رد: Jesus and the Father are One
Help us , save us, have mercy on us, and keep us ,

O GOD , by thy Grace


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