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Mary Naeem 10 - 10 - 2014 01:50 PM

The Corinthians are exhorted speedily to
The Corinthians are exhorted speedily to
send back word that peace has been restored. The benediction.
Send back speedily to us in peace and with joy these our messengers to you: Claudius Ephebus and Valerius Bito, with Fortunatus: that they may the sooner announce to us the peace and harmony we so earnestly desire and long for [among you], and that we may the more quickly rejoice over the good order re-established among you. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, and with all everywhere that are the called of God through Him, by whom be to Him glory, honour, power, majesty, and eternal dominion, 260 from everlasting to everlasting. 261 Amen

الساعة الآن 01:25 PM

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